Bush Recruits
His Mother to Push Social
Security Package
She's old, she's popular
and she needs Social
Security like a hole in
the head. |
Average British Woman Spends
$54,000 on Shoes in Lifetime
When royal family excluded, average drops
to $1,300. |
NFL Training Camps Open
Linemen, special teams report; head
cases, prima donnas arrive in two weeks. |
NHL: New Rule Eliminates Ties
If tied after overtime and shootout, team
with most teeth wins. |
EBay: Slice
of Toast Bearing Image of
Michael Jackson Sold for
To Michael Jackson. |
Which of the
following countries is
the most vulnerable to
the catastrophic effects
of global warming? |
| A ) | Could it be Brazil? |
| B ) | Maybe China? |
| C ) | Ohmigod,
it's not us, is it? |
| D ) | Relax,
it's France. |
is to “conservative” as
_________ is to “liberal” |
| A ) | knee jerk |
| B ) | screaming |
| C ) | card-carrying |
| D ) | bleeding heart |
| E ) | crazy |
U.S. Issues
Iwo Jima Silver Dollar
Commemorates only time we struck
back at people who attacked us. |