Tony Blair Signs
Ad Deal With Lipton
Lipton unable to agree to terms with
first choice, Ozzy Osbourne. |
Alabama to Stop Teaching
History in Elementary Schools
Calls it “theory, not fact.” |
NASA Begins Extensive Shake-Up
First to go: high-paid rocket scientists. |
NBA: League, Players Agree to
Minimum Age Limit
Fans, players agree to maximum punch
limit. |
Impersonator Population
in Danger
Numbers will drop
significantly if they
continue to age like
their idol, say experts. |
The estate tax, which
Republicans seek to repeal permanently in
order to protect the small family farm, has
so far caused how many families to lose
their farms? |
A ) | 2,015 |
B ) | 368 |
C ) | None,
but you know just because
it hasn't ever happened
doesn't mean that one
day, under some special
set of circumstances it
can't happen. Don't you
care about small farmers? |
A former
Chairman of the
Republican Party has been
named the new President
of the Corporation for
Public Broadcasting,
which was set up by
Congress in 1967 to: |
A ) | Advance the political
agenda of the party in
power. |
B ) | Better coordinate public
broadcasting with similar efforts in
nearby galaxies. |
C ) | Shield
public broadcasting from
political influence. |