Foreign Press
Reacts to Bush Victory
From Le Monde's
"Sacre Bleu!"
to "Nacht! Nacht!
Nacht!" in Der
Spiegel, most were
negative. |
Mexico: Wal-Mart Built Close to
Sacred Shrine Jeered, Cheered
Many call it sacrilegious; others like its low
prices on religious relics. |
Redskins Happy With Election
Team never loses Sunday after incumbent wins,
as they roll over Detroit, 17-10. |
Second Term Chatter:
Barney May Be Replaced
British Prime Minister Tony Blair's
name has come up. |
Whither the
Democratic Party?
In the wake of the latest election
fiasco, leading Democrats are debating what
adjustments to make. Here are the
leading possibilities:
1. Reach out to social
conservatives by embracing a
pro-life, pro-gun, pro
anti-gay, anti- evolution agenda,
rename party the “Me, Too
2. Reach out to neo-conservatives
by embracing a unilateralist,
preemptive war strategy, find
somebody who's never been in a
war to explain it.
3. Reach out to business
community with anti-tax,
anti-regulation, anti-environment
agenda financed by massive
borrowing, rename party the
4. Wait until tax on capital gains
is abolished (sometime early February),
sell the fabulous new Democratic Party
headquarters building to the
Republican Party (they can afford it),
divvy up the profit and skip town. |