Barbara Bush
Back On Campaign Trail
President's mother
heads up
Battle-Axes for
Bush,” an advocacy
group. |
Intel's Chip Validates
Moore's Law
Every 18 months Intel doubles the hype
for its latest chip. |
NASA, Boeing Developing
Flying Car
May eventually lead to plane that can
parallel park. |
FBI Focus on Terrorism Leaves Few
Resources for White-Collar Crime
Patriotic white-collar criminals being asked
to stop perpetrating fraud until more FBI
agents become available. |
New TV Commercials
Legal, Say Tobacco Firms
Cigarette ads aimed at
monkeys have raised some eyebrows. |
Earth-Like Planets Found
Outside Our Solar System
Just in time. |
Mysterious Radio Transmission
Received From 1000 Light
Years Away
Signal keeps repeating phrase, “This
is not a test.” |
Study: Body Produces Marijuana-
Like Chemical to Combat Psychosis
Attorney General Ashcroft has himself arrested. |
Most Meats, Dairy Products
In U.S. Now Contain Flame
Retardant Chemicals
FDA: cook foods longer at higher temperature. |
Sperm Levels Drop With
Frequent Ejaculation
Rise sharply soon after marriage. |
SAT Scores Bring Good News
For Bush Reelection Effort
There's been no improvement since last year. |