Popular Web Spoof
Making Fun of Both Bush and
Kerry Having Impact on Race
Undecideds have jumped from
4% to 40%. |
Theology Conference Concludes
Jesus Would Vote for Kerry
But he'd give money to Bush, just in
case. |
Bush, Kerry "Very Close" in
Latest Survey of Non-Voters
Of those who say they have never voted
and never will, Bush leads Kerry, 48% to
46%, with 6% saying they won't vote for
Nader either. |
Campaign ’04: Kerry-Bush Comparison
Surprisingly, there are more similarities than
differences. (see below) |
Munch's "The Scream"
Stolen From Norway Museum
Museum Director Gunnar Pederson
(right) reacts to news. |
Chicago: City Threatens
Shutdown of Wrigley Field
Unless Cubs Allow Inspections
Officials want to examine shoddy relief
pitching, deteriorating fielding and
crumbling hitting. |
Olympics: Some Tickets Still
Available for Certain Events
But you'll have to pay scalpers' prices. |