Academy Awards Honor
Movie Legend
Godzilla (seen here
arriving) presented
lifetime achievement
award to Mothra. |
Weekly World News Apologizes
To its Readers
Admits many of its stories were based on
information provided by Ahmad Chalabi. |
U.S. Olympic Team Could Be
Weakened by Steroid Scandal
May have to “threaten athletes with
torture” to produce their best
performances, says one coach. |
Considers Return To
Quit sixty years ago, but
sees “no one out
there” he can't
beat. |
Senior Prescription
Drug Benefit Cards Explained in
Clear, Simple Language
Effective June 1, the new cards
start saving you money! All you
have to do is determine which of
the 73 different cards is right
for you, depending on whether
your income is below $1,500 a
month (or $1,400 for couples),
and you qualify for the $600
annual credit, if you're a member
of an HMO or are getting your
card through an insurance
company, drug company, or other
provider, and whether the card
you're considering works in your
state (some only work in certain
states) and works in your
pharmacy (others work only in
certain pharmacies) and which
drugs are covered by your card
(discounts vary and can change
without notice, as do the
drugs they cover, which can also
change without notice). After
you've figured all that out,
check again to make sure none of
the variables have changed while
you were researching, and bingo
- you've got it! |