Modified Foods Facing
Increasing Criticism
But consumers like their
value. |
Hockey: As Playoffs Begin, NHL
Faces Severe Financial Woes
Most teams can’t afford the dental
plans. |
Cubs, Red Sox Fans Angry at
FDA withheld information linking
antidepressants and suicide. |
NFL Adopts 15-Yard Penalty
for Excessive Celebration
Like placing a banner between the
goalposts that says, "Mission
Accomplished." |
Do" Fails to Win
Top Prize at Hairstyle
Judges turn to stone. |
New Gift Item Might Look Familiar
to Oldtimers!
The Pet Stone® reminds a lot of
folks of that venerable old
novelty, the Pet Rock®. But no,
say its makers, the Pet Stone®
is different, although outside of
the name the only difference we
can discern is the price. Where
the Pet Rock® used to sell for
less than five bucks, the Pet
Stone® retails for $199.95. At all
Suckermarts, Sucker's Emporium,
and Suckers Only stores. |
New Hand-Operated Calculator
Saves Time!
And money, too. No costly batteries
to replace with this amazing gizmo,
which comes from China, of all places.
The Chinese may have a winner here.
The "Abacus" (must be the inventor's
daughter's name) can handle any of the
calculations normally made by a nuclear
physicist or the proprietor of a busy fruit
and vegetable stand. Fully portable, it
resembles a small child's toy, but it really
works (although we never figured it out).
One regret: no backlighting. $.99, at
all 99 Cents Only stores. |