Bush Signs Bill Extending
Government for Another
Also attending Oval
Office signing: members
of “shadow”
Supreme Court. |
Phi Beta Kappa Homeless
Man Gives Commencement
Speech at UC Berkeley
Topic: "If I'm so smart, why aren't
I rich?" |
Mick Jagger Turns 60
Will celebrate with sex, drugs, rock 'n roll,
nap. |
NBA Draft Picks Set Record
New standard established for most players
with unpronounceable names. |
Super Bowl
Halftime to Feature
Lingerie Bowl
Lingerie Bowl halftime to
feature Naked Mudfighting
Bowl. |
4th of July
Fun Facts |
The Declaration of Independence
was actually approved July 2nd,
not July 4th. |
It wasn't really signed by all
the signers until months afterwards. |
The "all men are created
equal" phrase really meant
"all wealthy white men are
created equal." |
"The pursuit of
happiness" was added as an
inalienable right by Thomas
Jefferson after a long day, as a
joke. |
At the time of the Declaration,
one third of the country remained
loyal to the King, roughly the same
percentage as today. |
In response to numerous challenges, we have
reexamined question 14 in the "Trends in
Current U.S. Leadership" section of last
week's Current Events Quiz and have determined
that while the correct answer is: B) arrogant, credit
will also be given for: A) selfish, C) deceitful,
D) unreliable, E) irresponsible, F) uninformed,
G) mean-spirited, and H) unfuckingbelievably
stupid. You may revise your scores accordingly. |